I am from a Hindu background and I lost my 11 yrs Old daughter, my only child. My world had collapsed and I started contemplating on suicide, which was the easy way out of all your problems. Not knowing or understanding anything, I just understood one thing, that I was to pray for her soul and again I believed that she was reborn. I was so confused and distraught.

At that point of time, someone gave me a Gideon Bible. I started reading and as I came to John 3 :27 where it says “A person can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven” I somehow at that point of time had a complete understanding that she was a gift from God for me and underlining the verse I started crying. It was for the very first time, such a realization had come to me and before that I had never thought of little children in this manner.

As I wept, Lord Jesus revealed Himself to me in person and that moment I prayed and I accepted Christ as my personal Saviour and I had a peace within me which was beyond human understanding that I was not alone in this ordeal but someone too walked with me through this pain. I understood that the Bible was the true Word of God as it said that Jesus was alive, and as He was a living God as per the Bible, then His Word (i.e The Bible) was true and the Gideon Bible became the very source of my strength. If at that point of time, someone had not reached me with the Gideon Bible, it is sure that today I would not be alive to share my testimony because I was determined to take my life.

God spoke through His Word and it is also the Balm of Gilead and very soon I regained my strength. I started attending church and it is there that I came in contact with the Gideon Ministry. I am eternally grateful to the Gideons for the wonderful job they are doing in the lives of individuals like me and after which both my husband and myself joined this ministry and are serving the Lord through this Ministry. My heart’s desire is to take His Word to the unreached and save souls for His Kingdom. Someone has rightly said that, earth has no sorrows which heaven cannot heal.

Amita Paskar

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