Listen to how God reached out to Thungchibemo Ngullie through the Gideons ministry and impacted his life. The words from The New Testament echoed in his heart and stayed with him. Watch the video below.


Here We Are

Dear Brothers and Sisters, By the time you read this letter, we would have completed our transition to the Zone Structure with the...

Garima Daniel – Video Testimony

Listen to how Garima's life journeyed from a youngster suffering from depression and thoughts of suicide to knowing God and suffering persecutions...

Shankar Narayan – Video Testimony

Shankar Narayan recalls having a nihilistic desire to commit suicide even from a very young age. Although his school friend...

Mr & Mrs Rajender Singh – Video Testimony

Watch Mr & Mrs Rajender Singh testify to God's love in their lives. They each received a copy of Gideon's Bible and recall how God...
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